Thursday, December 15, 2011

Family Metaphor Paintings

The Family Metaphor Portraits have been turned in, and I am thrilled with the results!  The students selected objects to represent each family member, and organized a snapshot reflecting relationships to one another by the size and placement of the items.  We searched for photographic visual references using the mobile computer lab, then made drawings in our sketchbooks, which we gridded-up to a 24"x 18" size.  We used tempera paint as the medium for this project.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

3D Explorations

In 3D Explorations class, we have finished our "Creatures in Motion" papier mache projects.  On the "school" section of the blog, some time ago, I posted an "in progress" photo of a river otter.  Above, the finished otter is swimming with a couple of friends.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Student monotypes

My Art Foundations class recently finished a printmaking unit.  Look under the "school" tab to see recent student work.  We created monoprints using a technique in which we made an alternating ink and paper "sandwich" of five layers on plexiglass.  We moistened three sheets of printing paper, and pulled a first print and then two ghost prints. The project is very spontaneous, exploratory, and experimental from the student perspective, and is designed for them to experience colors mixing and blending through the process itself, without needing prior knowledge of color theory when manipulating the medium.  This lesson precedes a painting unit where color theory is a focus, and they paint in a representational way.  By ordering the units in this way, I found that they are really excited and stimulated from the printmaking, and will diligently engage in a more demanding set of lessons for the Family Metaphor Painting that is the culminating activity for the color theory unit.  My next post will share samples of their wonderful paintings!